Thursday, September 23, 2010

Organic Cosmetics and Its Benefits

The first and foremost benefit of supporting and purchasing organic cosmetics and products is the fact that you are helping in saving the environment for these products are better for the environment. Aside from this, organic cosmetics are undoubtedly good and safer for the skin. The ingredients of such organic cosmetics are all natural and are completely toxic-chemical free which is why they are less likely to give irritation, especially to sensitive skin.

Organic products are also made with a certain amount of SPF. SPF is mixed with them because it gives the product a “sun-blocking” capability. But some organic products may not have SPF’s. Nevertheless, it is more beneficial to have an extra protection for the skin. Even organic cosmetics can have SPF’s to give you that sun-screen. Aside from this, you will soon find out that organic products last longer on the skin and give better results to the user.

For you to be able to check if a product is organic or not, all you have to do is to check the label. See the ingredients if there are those unfamiliar and complex chemical names for they are more often than not, toxic to our skin if they are used regularly.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Simple Understanding of Organic Skincare

When you go to a health shop or natural food grocers, you will find a wide array of “natural” skin care and body care products. Many manufactures capitalized on the label “natural” why? Simple! Who would want to buy something labeled with “extra carcinogens” or “loaded with parabens”?

Of course no one in their right mind would do such a thing. When the products are certified organic, they have to meet the strict requirements by the certifying body and should be very safe for the consumer. Certified organic skincare products are made from ingredients you can understand and read such as calendula oil and safflower oil not five syllable words that doesn’t mean a thing to you. This ensure that you actually know what you are putting on your skin rather than just hoping it will work because of the hype that the company claims it should.

Before purchasing a “natural” product, be sure to research the company producing it. See if they are certified by USDA, IFDA and other certifying body. Find out if their skin care line is toxic free or just made from fragrance which are usually synthetic. There are wonderful certified organic skin care products available so don’t settle for some supposedly natural junk when you can have the best available for your skin.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Organic Skincare: The Benefits For Lifetime

Our choice of beauty products is more than what meets the eye; it’s also about how we respect our environment and our bodies. There is a strong suspicion that chemicals are responsible for making our bodies toxic and are responsible for the current overflow of cancer. Toxins are believed to cause damage. It was also being studied and proven that synthetic chemicals cause disruption of hormone production and function. Therefore, it has paved a way for organic skincare to rise into popularity. Organic skincare are proven safer for children, kinder to the planet, healthier to the body and better for our skin. That’s why organic skincare makes much sense.

Natural skincare products perform as well or better than synthetic skincare products. They are far less likely to irritate skin, and they do no come with harmful side effects and dangerous long-term physical risks.

Organic Toner: It’s Anti-Aging Benefits

Toners are great for your scalp and hair as well as your skin. Ingredients like seaweed, glycerin, squalene, and olive oil can draw moisture to your skin and promote added anti-aging benefits specially when mixed with essential plant extracts largely complements your skin care efforts.

Skin toning provides final cleansing to make your skin look radiant, healthy, and refresh besides their main functions of removing impurities, excess oil, and dead skin. Organic skin care facial toners contain rejuvenating properties that helps hydrate, firm, and strengthen tissues and cells. Organic skin toners also contain other rejuvenating properties that could help tone, repair and protect, and reduce pore size.

Integrating your anti-aging treatment in your organic skin care facial toner recipe is the best strategy to stimulate skin rejuvenation, maintain a brilliant youthful look, and maximize opportunities for anti-aging. Organic toners restore the natural ph balance of your skin. You achieve the best effects when you apply the facial toner after bath or washing your face on a clean, warm, and moist skin. The skin absorbs the toning essential ingredients that penetrate through layers of your tissues that could stimulate the tissues and helps moisturizers work effectively. Toning keeps your skin invigorated that results to a healthier glow