Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Simple Summer Skincare

Its finally summer time! As season change so does our skincare too. Here are some simple summer skincare tips to follow:

Refresh Your Skin
Refresh your tired, dry, dull looking skin with mositurizers and nutrient-rich serums. Look for products which contains Vitamin B, which helps improve surface blood circulation and bring fresh oxygen and nutrients to your skin. Vitamin A to repair skin tissues and prevent further dryness. Vitamin C for healing and fights free radicals that danages your skin. VItamin E for a soothing effect on skin and repairs the damages done by winter. It also is a powerful antioxidant preventing premature aging.

Cleanse/Moisturize Your Skin
As the temperature rises, the skin tends to be oily. Choose a moisturizer with lighter texture which contains important organic ingredients which wil moisturize the skin effrectively. Go for the organic skincare products to be on the safe side. Cleanse! Find a cleanse that is effective and non drying with natural organic ingredients like rosemary or chamomile for optimum results.

Do this regulary to avoid clogged pores and ev out your omplexion. intensive peels, dermabrasions and other abrasive beauty treatments are a NO NO during summer time. These treatments makes the skin susceptible to sun damage, pigmentation and scaring. Choose a DIY organic home remedies to add to your beauty regimen a few times a week to keep your skin at its peak.

Sun Protect
It should be worn all year round and more importantly during summer time when the sun is harsher. UV rays causes wrinkles and speeds up skin aging. Go for SPF 30 sunscreen for optimum protection to be reapplied multiple times a day on face and body.

Skin protects your body from the environment, keeps you warm in the winter and cool in the summer. The above are simple steps to protect your skin from the harsh summer environment and the damage the skin can obtain while basking in the sun. Following these simple rules will keep your skin healthy and looking great all summer long

Organic Skincare : Authenticity Issues

Many people are going organic but what are their assurance that they are getting what they have paid for?

What shoppers should look for is a seal of approval or a stamp from an accredited body such as the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture), Ifoam (International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements), Ocia (Organic Crop Improvement Association), Ecocert, and Demeter.

The only precaution for people who wants to try out the organic skincare range is the absence of synthetic fragrances, which is often replaced with essential oils. People with sensitive skin are still encouraged to do a pad test first because even though the farming process is chemical-free, some natural ingredients can still cause an allergic reaction or are irritants themselves.

And what you get from using organic skincare isn't just skin-deep. By using organic products for your facial routine, you can take pride in your ethical consumption, which means you're protecting the world and the environment just as much as you're protecting your skin. Living a healthy life and staying beautiful is so easy.

Organic Skincare: How Can We Determine If It's Organic?

When we say "organic" it means that its grown free from chemicals, herbicides, fungicides and other artificial subtances and toxic chemicals.

Organic Skincare prodcuts are made from extracts of various organic sources. It is proven to have healing and revitalizing effect on our body as they are derived from natural sources.

The popularity of these goods are attributed by its naturalness and lackof artificiality which makes it more effective and highly esteemed. Today, organic skincare is not just a growing popularity but its the latest trend in the skincare industry. Lets see how we can determine if our skincare products are really organic.

Natural Subtances: Organic skincare are usually derived from extracts of plants. This should be ones that are usually free from pesticides, chemocals as well as GMO and other artificial subtances. This is where being "certified" comes in. The products have to be approved and certified by USDA or any other department of the like.

Gentle: Since these products are generally based on the extracts of plants, it is much gentle on the skin and have a clean scent. It should cater to the needs of those individuals who have sensitive skin. It should make the skin more supple and soft and free from blemishes and other skincare problems.

Protection: It should be the foremost to eliminate most harmful toxins of the body that usually clogs beneath layers of skin hence protecting it from the rashes, blemishes and other skincae problems. It should be able to balance the body temperature amd maintain the fluid balance in our body.

Now that we have an idea on what to look for in organic skincare, lets start the healthy and youthful journey towards ageless beauty.

Organic Skincare for MEN

Men, the term itself is synonymous to rough and tough but reality separates them apart. Men are not only more soft hearted than girls, they also have much more delicate skin. Men skin is 15 times more oily than that of girls. Due to constant shaving, their skin suffers lack of smoothness and habits like smoking and drinking. The solution to all these problem? Proper care of skin.

Its advised that men use an aloe vera based cream before shaving. Shaving causes men's skin dry and harsh. To keep the skin smooth even after shaving, it advised to apply Aloe vera cream on the beard. This allows a smooth shave and saves the skin from being dry.

Battling with pimples? Its the constant exposure to traffic and pollution. You need to cleanse, tone and moisturise your skin. Use a 30 SPF sunscreen before going out to the sun and after coming back cleanse your face with a mild organic cleanser. This help your skin retain the moisture.

Face cleaning, is a must for men. As their skin is more oily, dirt tend to stick to the skin and the dry skin tend to block the pores. There are several ways of face cleaning but steam face cleaning is the best. It opens up the pores of your skin letting it get cleansed completely.

Most men suffer from blackheads. It is necessary to get rid of the blackheads because they might later grow up to be painful. To get rid of blackheads and to prevent them from happening again, men need to use face packs. Natural face packs of honey and lemon works wonders. Both are natural bleach and thus takes off the tan as well as the blackheads.

Organic Skincare: As Soft As A Baby's skin

Our skin is similarly delicate as theirs. Its emperative and challenging in making our skin as soft as it was before. Remember the time when we were still babies? We use shampoos, moisturizers, soaps, wipes which are specially manufactured for our delicate skin. Ones that are milder in chemical contents and ideal for our soft and sensitive skin. Many parents opt for naturl or organic, WHY? because its safer and milder for our skin.

As we grow in age, our skins softness dimishes. Have you ever wondered why our skin isnt that soft anymore? SIMPLE, because we tend to lean on the more "chemically based, hyped skincare products". Now is the ime to go back to the basics, go Organic!

Use shampoos, mositurizer, soaps suited for the skin that are organically made to restore lost oils of the skin and yet still keep it clean. Avoid using alcohol based cleanser, moisturizer or mist as it causes rashes and irritations or worst, breakouts.

Gently massage our skin with whatever organic products we are using. Massage increases our skin's elasticity and helps us relax thus giving us a firm and supple looking skin.

We cant go wrong when we go back to the days when we were still young and use products that are as highly effective as chemically based ones.

Living A Rewarding Life: The Organic Way

Cleanse: Never sleep with make up on your face, that is the number one rule of skin care. The skin needs to breathe and unwanted chemicals just clogged up the pores thus giving you breakouts or zits in the morning. Use organic skin cleanser before bed time. Go organic to keep the skin's natural moisture compared to the chemically based skin products.

Moisturize: The easiest thus the most neglected part of skincare. I urge you to use or purchase organic moisturizer and keep away from skincare prodcuts that might contain parabens. These chemical based skincare preservative contains toxins and its not great for the skin. Use organic ones like aloe vera, olive oil or honey as moisturizer. Chemical based skincare products needs paraben to lengthen the shelf life.

Diet: " You are what you eat". it just means that when its not good enough to eat then it wont be good enough for our skin. Go for organic stuff like honey, extra virgin olive oil, honey, or cucumber, etc.. Sometimes, we just take our diet for granted but it has the greatest effect for our skin so take time to plan and know your diet and live a healthy lifestyle.