Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Organic Skincare: How Can We Determine If It's Organic?

When we say "organic" it means that its grown free from chemicals, herbicides, fungicides and other artificial subtances and toxic chemicals.

Organic Skincare prodcuts are made from extracts of various organic sources. It is proven to have healing and revitalizing effect on our body as they are derived from natural sources.

The popularity of these goods are attributed by its naturalness and lackof artificiality which makes it more effective and highly esteemed. Today, organic skincare is not just a growing popularity but its the latest trend in the skincare industry. Lets see how we can determine if our skincare products are really organic.

Natural Subtances: Organic skincare are usually derived from extracts of plants. This should be ones that are usually free from pesticides, chemocals as well as GMO and other artificial subtances. This is where being "certified" comes in. The products have to be approved and certified by USDA or any other department of the like.

Gentle: Since these products are generally based on the extracts of plants, it is much gentle on the skin and have a clean scent. It should cater to the needs of those individuals who have sensitive skin. It should make the skin more supple and soft and free from blemishes and other skincare problems.

Protection: It should be the foremost to eliminate most harmful toxins of the body that usually clogs beneath layers of skin hence protecting it from the rashes, blemishes and other skincae problems. It should be able to balance the body temperature amd maintain the fluid balance in our body.

Now that we have an idea on what to look for in organic skincare, lets start the healthy and youthful journey towards ageless beauty.

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